20% Project Week 4- Nail Art

Hello again, reader! For week 4 of my 20% nail art project I learned how to do nail design. This is something that seemed interesting to me and I had watched other people do it at the nail salons and it seemed cool – with all of the flowy, intricate designs that ranged from little teddy bears to polka dots! I decided to start off with a simpler approach, with just a couple of little flowers on the thumb and middle finger. This is very tricky to do to yourself, so I used my mom to help me practice! Unlike last week, I had many successes. Some of the things that went well was choosing a color scheme and using precise lines to draw the flowers. For my colors, I used a really pretty light blue color with yellow and pink flowers. The colors contrasted really well together and looked really nice in the end. To make the flower design on the nail, I used a wooden toothpick to paint the flowers onto the nail. This was very hard! Luckily, I was able to figure out the right technique to not make them look deformed and blobby. Something that i should work on is being more aware of where my fingers are when they are painting. I kept resting my hand on the other nails, making some of them looking a little smudged. Other than that I did really well! Next week, I am going to start displaying my nail work on my trifold! Here is the picture of what the nails looked like when I finished them.

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